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Raising Happy Hens.

The first egg you get will be your most expensive egg but it will be worth every cent. Many think chickens are only good for eggs. THEY ARE WRONG. The eggs are a huge benefit when raising chicks but the rest of it is so much more. It was so much fun to pick out…

How We Adopted Max!

As a veterinary technician I always had a huge heart for animals, but it wasn’t until I got Arlo, until I really understood what it was like to care for my own pet. He was my first fur-baby. The responsibility that came with owning my kitten was a lot to take in, the vaccines, making…

Camping : How it all Started

I use to think that when I owned a house I would NEVER want to leave, boy was I WRONG! We have had our home for about a year and a half and I am always trying to find new ways to get out. I love my home and I try to make it as…

Laundry Room Make-Over

When we first started looking at homes, one of my key factors was to have a nice laundry area. Laundry is a chore that no one likes to do but it needs to get done, so why not create a nice place to make a not so great task just a little bit more bearable.…

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